Discover How I went from having zero time with my kids... to being Their Favorite Dad in the World  
Without Hiring A High Priced Lawyer  
I will personally give you all my DieHard Dad Secrets one-on-one which will double or triple your Quality Dad time!!
Why "DieHard Dad"
Hiring an expensive Lawyer perpetuates a longer and more devastating custody battle, creates more hate between you and Betty... which only drives your children away quicker and further. 
Learn how to stop the madness!!
Meet - Dan Cayer!
DieHard Dad founder
  •  Became a Dad at 21 years of age.
  • 3 children with the same Betty.
  •  Rebound marriage within months of Betty leaving and getting divorced!
  •  Stayed single, only dated out of fear of never having another big-D.
  •  Sadly, I began thinking my children would be better off if I was either dead or living far far away~
  •  If 10 years ago you would have said, "my life would be so much better" I would have called you a liar! However, I married my best friend, today I have the most amazing relationship with my children and my life is so much better rather than bitter. 
I became the Dad my kids needed. 
You see the moment I became a better Dad... 
Was the exact moment I was able to heal inside. I now help other Dads heal. 
How bad do you want to be a DieHard Dad?
We'll Get
On The Phone
And go over your own unique situation...
  Do you feel like you're running on empty?
    Why is everyone against you?
   Why is everyone stopping you from being a present Dad?
   Are you living in a drama - drama - land?
   Why can't Betty just co-parent?
   Are your child support payments too high?
Once we have those "raw discussions", we'll focus on 3 things
Who YOU think you are, is far greater than who they say you are
Why you will always be your children's father and how you will have greater influence and respect!
Understand the corrupt and the broken family law system!!
And it's really that simple...
First, you see, too many Dads have been allowing Betty to live rent free inside their minds... Don't just up the rent, evict her.

Second, I will show you how to be sure you will be walking your beautiful daughter down the isle on her wedding day and how to be sure your sitting with your son at his grad! And then time with the  grandkids...

Third, Get the facts on the Broken Family system and learn who are the real deadbeats.
How Fast You Can Scale A Funnel...
When It's "Right..."
You could literally be just a few tweaks away from a winner...

Last January, one of our supplement funnels was doing about $20k a month. We then went through the SAME funnel process we do with all of our 'Inner Circle' members and by February had it up to about $30k per month.

But in March, it started to get REALLY exciting. We implemented our last set of optimizations which increased our conversions enough that now we could buy almost unlimited paid traffic. Our BIGGEST problem was finding more places to spend money!

We went from $30k a month to over $300k a month almost overnight...
Check Out These Results From Other
'Inner Circle' Members
Who Already Took The Leap Of Faith And Joined Us...
Matthew Quit... Mike Didn't
What Were The Results?
8 months ago, Mike went to a Tony Robbins seminar. The next day, both him and his friend joined the 'Inner Circle'... but the next day, his friend dropped out.

Where is Mike now (8 months later...) and where is his buddy? Watch this short video to find out the true story about what happened....

Have you been thinking about the "Inner Circle"? Maybe it's time to stop thinking and be like Mike... just start MOVING...
If you'd like to have more one on one time with your children and pay less child support to Betty
Apply NOW (cause spots are almost gone once again...)
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